Carpel tunnel syndrome(CTS)

Median nerve gets compressed under
The flexor retinaculum this will lead
To paralysis of muscle of thenar
CTS involve sensory, motor, trophic,
And vasomotor changes in the
1)sensory changes-loss of sensation in
lateral 31/2  digits including nail beds
and distal phalanges on dorsum of
2)motor changes- ape/monkey Like
Thumb deformity,loss of opposition
Of thumb. Index and middle fingers
Lag behind while making the fist due
To paralysis of 1st and 2nd lumrical
3)vasomotor changes-the skin areas
With sensory loss is warmer due to
Arteriolar dilatation and also drier
Due loss of sweating and loss of
Sympathetic supply.
4)tropic changes- long standing cases
Of paralysis lead to dry and scaly
Skin.the nails crack easily with atrophy
Of pulp of finger also.
Test- froment's sign/book holding test.
Paper holding test
The patient can not able to hold the
Book and paper with thumb and
Other fingers.
Phalen's test is attempted for CTS.
